
Web Design

The CSS Easiest Mistakes to Make

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How to get around a good CSS code

CSS or “Cascading Style Sheets” is a simple sheet language used in customizing and designing the document and fonts of a web page. It uses words and numerical status in order to determine web page fonts, sizes and colours. It may seem like a complicated batch of words strewn together at first glance but it can be learned in a rather short amount of time. While it may become easier as you steadily grasp its program, it doesn’t guarantee that you will not make any errors. Like most encoded programs, your CSS will have to be reviewed in re-reviewed to detect any errors as even the smallest misspell can affect the whole page. On that note, I have listed the most common errors that CSS programmers, trainee and professional alike, makes.


1. Too much Whitespace

Normally, CSS encoders will contain whitespace in their codes in order to make the content easily readable. The downside is that if you use too much whitespace is that it can affect your loading speed among others. A better alternative would be taking out line breaks and extra spaces. This will help in shrinking your file size and removing any unwanted baggage in the web page.


2. Padding and Margins Confusion

For codes that do not use any background colour and borders, using padding and margins are the best substitute. But knowing the definition of each is crucial as they are both totally different forms of code. Padding is the room within the element inside the border while margin is the extra space outside the element. For example, if there’s no padding the margin should be able to compensate and vice versa.


3. Colour Declarations

Colour declarations is exactly that, it handles the fonts colours for your web page content so be sure to not use garish colours that may conflict with the background. There are 3 parts in colour declaration; these are the hash mark, redundancy and hexadecimal code. A hexadecimal code is important as it will ensure that all colours will be displayed the same on all web pages, the hash mark is then needed to validate the hexadecimal code and finally, redundancy is a common fixture in encoding CSS. Using any code that has more than one similar number or letter, it is a good idea to shorten the code to its first 3 or 4 characters. This will ease the loading of the page considerably in the long run.

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4. Avoid Doing Repetition

CSS encoders will know exactly what this is. A lot of time, you may input so much code into your stylesheets that you may not even think about using shortcuts. In fact, compressing the code won’t have any negative effect to your web page if done right. It can even save you valuable loading speed since the page will have a more organized and compact CSS code to deal with. Another technique you can use is by grouping together similar codes into one line.


5. The Difference between ID and Class

CSS encoders have to options for the HTML style; ID and Class. These two are important and each has its own specialty. ID is a content that will appear only once in a page, examples are titles and headers to name a few. Class however can be used multiple times in a single page. A good example of a class type attribute would be a link. Anything that will most likely appear in different ages is considered a class type attribute.

All of these factors can cause some minor to moderate errors as it is very easy to look past this very simple codes. This article will hopefully give you a heads up on the little bumps when encoding CSS. Just remember to thorough and you’ll be fine.

The Biggest Blunders in Web Designs

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A bumpy road for new webs designers

Back in the early days when web designing was still at its infancy, there were a lot of trial and errors in creating the fundamentals of a great web page. Nowadays, there are a lot of professional and web design freelancers that can help you make the best web page possible. But if you’re a web designer yourself and is just starting your career in the field you may experience some bumpy roads ahead. To help ease out your first venture in this field, I have compiled the biggest errors you can make when designing a website.


1. Not Giving the Correct Information

Most online users that are scouring the internet usually visit a site that catches their eyes in the first few seconds they see something interesting. For example, online shoppers will visit your website if they see something that fancies them. One of the biggest errors in online business sites to make will be to not give the specifics and important information. Worse yet would be to have the information posted on your site but being covered in irrelevant advertisements that they are getting skimmed over. When putting together content for your website, ask yourself what visitors would be looking for when browsing your page and make sure that that information are easy to spot.


2. Auto-opening a New Window

This one is a personal pet peeve of mine. I really hate it when I click a link on a website that just brings me to a new page of the site, and not a different website altogether mind you. Cluttering a visitor’s browser window with pages is one of biggest mistake a designer can make. A golden rule that is now being followed by most web designers is that you should never hi-jack a user’s computer, and auto-opening windows every click can be considered one of these offenses. Never put this feature in your website as all users prefer to just press back on the tool bar.


3. PDF Only Site

This one is more common than others mainly because it doesn’t really have many detractors but you should never use PDF for your site unless it is something that will be printed. A PDF formatted website is difficult to navigate as most online commands and shortcuts does not work, instead it is outlined into in document style navigation making cumbersome.

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4. Leaving out the Colour Changes

One of the most helpful features when navigating a vast web page is changing of the font colours of links that you’ve already scanned through. This will help visitors of the web page to know exactly where they’ve been, a website that does not have this mandatory feature will increase the chances of confusion especially if you have tons of pages and links in your site. This is a sure bet to not have repeat visitors in your website.


5. Avoid Designs that Scream Advertisements

We’ve all been there, browsing through the pages and seeing something at side of the screen, it’s colourful and just screams for attention. A veteran web surfer will automatically know what this is, and 10/10 will just calmly brush past and never think about it again. These are the advertisements in websites that we’ve learned to completely ignore, visitors of websites will be there to only find what they’re looking for, and they don’t really like getting sidetracked by things that have no interest to them whatsoever. So, be sure to create banners that hold important content that does not resemble an ad. Be creative but study adverts on other online shops to know what to avoid.

Creating your own website from the ground up is a real time consuming effort, be sure to remember these grave mistakes in order to avoid them in the future. Again, sometimes trial and error is the best way to be successful. There’s always more to learn in order for you to create the best website design possible.

The Bane of Website Features

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Is your website working for you?

There are some web page features that offer to be helpful but do the exact opposite. When designing web pages, you should think twice about incorporating any of these irritating features as all of the items on this list can greatly damage your reputation and any future visitors from staying in your website. The usual suspects before have been spam advertisements and slow loading but now we have a new set of unwanted features that can drive you mad in the long run. Here are a new set of features you should avoid when designing your web page.


1. Captcha

Sure captcha has it uses when weeding out spam bots online, but adding this feature to any comment box is very annoying, especially if you only want to comment only a few words, trying to read the convoluted jumble of letters will take you more time than actually writing the post. This feature however is important to the website owner as it removes any bots from spamming the comment box; however it also negates users from posting as most will unlikely trouble themselves with typing captchas which will then affect the look of your site due to an almost devoid comment section. If you have captcha installed and wondering why you don’t seem to get as much comments as traffic suggest, you’ll know why.


2. A mess of bookmarked icons

A lot of website has done and with actually good reason. Bookmarking or logging in using other popular networking sites will greatly be appreciated by users as they will not have to create new accounts for your site. They can use their accounts from previous sites which mean they can interact with your site immediately. The problem here is that if you overdo it, you’re going to have a mess of icons at the bottom of every post making it look ungainly and unprofessional. This is not a major gripe but it can lead to some distractions.

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3. A new breed of pop-ups

Back in the heyday of spam adverts, pop-up have become the bane of many internet users browsing along their favourite website. It felt like a shooting game where you constantly have to close every single window that shows up. It has become less prevalent as years gone by and a couple of solutions were given like hiding the pop-ups behind your browser in order to deal with them later. However, now it appears that a new more annoying version of the pop-ups have surfaced, these are the ones that you appears and just halts your browsing, they make you interact with them to continue, some even has fake close buttons that when clicked will lead you to their link. Not fun and irritating are the best words to define this. Web hosts actually have no option but to use pop-ups in order to increase their traffic but it is a fine line to walk on.


4. Installed media

This one seems to be done with good intentions but again, may hinder the visitor’s experience when browsing. I’m talking about the aesthetics of the web page, adding designs, bells and whistles are all well and good but if it causes any sort of slow down or interference to the user that is browsing then I suggests you tone it down a little. Most websites will change their designs depending on the celebration of the month so you have to expect to encounter this, but the best way to go about getting with the celebration in terms of web design is to not deluge your site with trinkets that will no doubt only distract users.

Simple Tips to Expand Your Website without Using SEO

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Fine tune your website

While SEO is a great way to generate traffic into your website, there are actually more methods for you to employ that have no relation to using SEO. These are simple yet effective means in their own right that can help you expand your web page to even further users. In order to increase traffic into your website you’ll need just to follow these 3 simple steps, and I can guarantee that you will increase the chance of a spike in your online traffic. Check out portfolio.


Step 1: The Perfect Bait

If your website appears on the first page along with a couple of other similar sites, one of the key elements for the user to click on your site and ignore the rest is to have interesting and eye catching titles and headers. The short description below your website’s name is crucial as it will be the proverbial hook, line and sinker for you website. Make it interesting and direct so that you’ll catch the eye of users scanning down the page. A perfect and witty title can instantly grab attention so work on that, plus a little research on marketing never hurts. Study the key points of interest in your website and accentuate that but try to make it as compact as possible. Once users have taken the bait, you can bet they’ll choose your website while browsing down the list.


Step 2: Topics and Subjects

Most article writers and bloggers tend to gravitate to current events or what people are talking about right now to garner more hits. While this is a smart thing to do you have to understand that you are now in the heap of literally thousands to millions of other sites that are focusing on the same thing as you. You should never put all your eggs on one basket, nothing wrong with tackling current affairs but you should also key in on the more specific topics. Focus on a less talked about subject and pass it through the microscope, create topics about it and, I cannot strain this much more, be specific with your keywords. Being precise with your topic will help narrow you down on search engines and will increase your shot of being visible at the first page, maybe even the top of the list.

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Step 3: Think Big

When it comes to websites the bigger your webpage the better it is. Polls have shown that larger websites tend to generate more traffic as they expand even more. This is a perfect example of escalation when you start with a simple website and then upgrade it to bigger and better design and content, so will your visitor hits. I am not saying that you immediately enhance your website; you have to have the right content in order to advance. This may mean that you have to steadily and gradually work on each aspect of the site in order to find what else is missing and develop on that.

Managing a website could be as fun or as stressful as you want to be, and making sure your website gets enough hits is the main hurdle for every website owner. This is basically marketing 101 with a little twist here and there. Keep your eye on the ball and you’ll be able to run your website smoothly and efficiently, but get distracted and it can cause a domino effect of problems. Just remember that there are more ways to generate traffic than optimizing SEO. I’m not saying you should skip fixing your SEO but add that with these list and you can really achieve your goal for your web page.

Security Breached, Hacked Websites

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Has your website been hacked? Keep on reading…

A nightmare scenario for every website owners out there is to have their website where they invested much time and effort to be hacked. The worst case scenario is to have your website thoroughly hacked and you’re unable to even enter or log in. Data and personal information could have been stolen and the chances of a malware being passed through other visitors of your website are very likely. Fixing the damage will also take a lot more time or you may not be able to repair it all. Most likely, other visitors will steer away clear of your website in the future even if you have secured it and fixed any holes. So how does a website get hacked in the first place? Here are the most frequent reasons for hacker attacks and how you can prevent them from happening.

The main reason for a website to be hacked is because it has weak to no security defense installed. Another glaring issue is that your host server is vulnerable to online attacks; this could be a huge problem because if one of the sites they host gets attacked, chances are that the hackers can possibly be able to get access to all of the providers clients. Being vigilant and reporting any disturbances and irregularities to your host provider is one way to make sure that the provider is not the one that’s infected by a virus.

Always review the feedback of a server provider before registering and if they have a history of being hacked then look elsewhere for a better host server with better security measures for their clients.

Often times the problem originates from the hardware itself rather than the website. Viruses can be hidden within files in the computer that is only activated once you go online and log in a website. To prevent this, install the best and latest antivirus program and do a routine scan every couple of days or so. FTP and SSH using computers should be regularly scanned and you should leave off unencrypted passwords in FTPs. Always connect to a trusted network and if given the chance, use SFTP to browse the web as it can encrypt passwords being shared through computers.

security Breached website hacked what to do

Passwords are also targeted by hackers and are one of their main methods of hacking. Finding out the password could take only a matter of time for the more experienced hackers, having a simple password doesn’t help your cause either. To prevent this from happening, use a mixture of capitalized, numerical and symbols as your password. A seemingly random combination of characters work best and changing them every week will add to your defense against hackers. Always use your own combination rather than opting for auto-generating a password. As intricate as these auto-generated passwords may seem, it is still generated by a program and that makes it possible to be traced. If your website has been hacked before, thoroughly search for any new accounts made as this may be used as security hole for your website to hack again.

Content Management System or CMS are often used to easily manage your website and sustain properly doing task. A huge problem with the CMS is that it is one of the most vulnerable parts of your websites. It can easily be hacked if you’re not able to apply sufficient defense and will always present cracks for malwares to crawl into. Preventing this can be done by not giving any information to what version of CMS you currently have installed, conceal your directory structure and by not letting multiple application share your database information. A bad encoding can also lead to a hacked website, always scan through your custom CMS to see any imbalance or let a professional handle this part. Any 3rd party plug-in should be systematically reviewed and read any feedback it has from other users before installing it.

There is no full proof way to make your website 100% secure from malware and hack attacks. Sooner or later your website will get compromised, the best method is to always monitor your system, keep changing your passwords weekly and do not install any unknown applications.

Kick-starting Your Own Website

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Get ready to succeed with your website

The internet is the defining production of our generation, it has made communication as simple as clicking a button, advertisement in the internet has levelled the playing field so that starting businesses can get a shot at acquiring clients and it has become an integrated part of everyday life. For business owners, having your own website is a very helpful, if not mandatory business plan. Potential clients will be able to find and research info on your services; websites are easily one of the fastest ways to advertise. So if you plan on registering your very own, the process is not as simple as compared to other advertising options. I will cover all the basic questions beginners ask when registering their website and domain name below so jot down each to help you breeze through the process.


Deciding the Domain Name

You basically have free reign to choose whatever name you want your website to have, but keep in mind that it should be easy to remember, eye catching and self explanatory as to what to expect when they click it. You can use a maximum of up to 60+ characters for the name but that doesn’t mean you can make it as long as you want, try to keep the entire website name under five words so that people will have no problem remembering the site, refrain from using intricate words and use simpler easy to spell ones. Think twice about using symbols like hyphens as it can be rather troublesome to explain when talking to a customer. Use your business’ name or a descriptive word that explains your business services.

Once you’ve settled on a domain name, you will then be prompted to see if it’s available. If you get an error message then one of a couple things could be the reason; it’s either already taken or it has been bought for use in the future. Don’t fret if your domain is already taken, site registrars will often give you alternate options to consider. Again, having a list of potential domain name on hand doesn’t hurt either.

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Registrations of your Domain Name

In this process, I suggest scouring the internet for web hosting sites with the best deals. Registration can go as low as $8.00 to almost $40.00 so research is your ally here. Check for hosts that offer the lowest price with the most services guaranteed by registering in their server. If by chance the name you chose is not available yet does not appear on the search engine you can use the InterNIC Whols software to track the owner and ask him/her if you can buy the domain name. Note that prices for already registered names may not come cheap. This is not uncommon as there’s profit and collecting and buying domain names in order to sell them in the future, some even buy hundreds of domain names and intends to sell them with a very inflated price. The best scenario if your chosen domain name is unavailable will be if the current owner has stopped using that name due to lack of interest or changed to something else, with this name owners you can actually buy the domain name for very little fee.

Another option for these problems is to check if the owner hasn’t renewed their registration for quite some time. In these instances, some website services can help you register that name to yours right away for no extra cost. Examples of website software that offers this type of services are NameWinner and SnapNames.

If you are going to buy an expired domain name from a previous owner always examine the reasons it is not operating anymore. That the last thing you need is to have a domain name with a rather shady history. Most of the time the reasons are pretty basic like the owners have lost interest in the page or they are not conducting the duties that the page offers anymore, but check thoroughly anyways just to be safe.

Registering and opening your very own website is only a doorway to achieve success in whatever endeavour you are pursuing, keep advertising and updating your website, upgrade it in the future if necessary and your online traffic generation will keep on growing.


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HTML5 for success

The battle of Apple and Adobe was a swift one, Apple unleashed the new HTML5 which they say can do all of the things Adobe’s Flash can do and more while Adobe stuck to their tried and true Flash program. Unfortunately for Adobe, the new HTML5 won in the end and is now the main program used in displaying web pages. Now, the HTML5 is slowly but surely shaping the future of websites. But what is HTML5 and what makes it so special? We’ll go in and study the inner working of codes of the HTML5 and find out if it can really evolve how we view web pages.


What you need to know about the HTML5

The latest reiteration of the “hypertext markup language” or HTML, version 5 is actually a combination of three programs; the HTML, the CSS and the JavaScript. HTML is basically an outline plan of the webpage and CSS handles most of the appearance while JavaScript is the backbone that supports all of these together. The thing that makes HTML5 so special is that unlike other programs that produce web pages, HTML5 doesn’t need any extra plug-ins in order to showcase animations, videos, applications and music on the web page. It can do all of those without resorting to extra installation that can hinder the speed of your computer. Essentially, the HTML5 is the jack-of-all-trades when it comes to web browsing. Another positive aspect of the HTML5 is that it doesn’t have any copyrights, it’s free to use, and it can work in all platforms in the market today and can even be used in Smart TVs.

The HTML5 does not actually need to be online to work, you can edit web pages offline and it has the uncanny ability to effortlessly play HD videos too. With all of these great features that HTML5 delivers, it may surprise you that it still not finished expanding and adding new elements to web viewing. GPS tracking and web applications are now part of the format and the HTML5 still has plenty of room to grow.


How can I start using HTML5 for web browsing?

Actually, it might be integrated into your browser as we speak. All major web browsing programs like Mozilla’s Firefox and Google Chrome already uses HTML5, the only difference would be how many of the heap of features HTML5 are being used by the browser. The front runner of HTML5 supported browser is the Firefox, but as stated earlier, the HTML5 is still fresh and will surely implement new and helpful features in the future so you never know what browser will be the most updated next day. One problem with the HTML5 that is standing out is its video playability; it really has nothing to do with HTML5 itself but rather the browsers that it is used on. Unfortunately, each browser has a different video format preferred making the HTML5 video quality inconsistent with each browsers. Some may play a certain video file just fine but use another browser and the quality and frame rate drops down at a surprising rate.



Creating web pages using HTML5

Basically, since HTML5 offers an all-in-one package you don’t really need any special program for creating a web page and just use HTML5 directly. But the most popular and widely used is the Adobe Dreamweaver that acquired a patch to be able to edit HTML5 formats. Adobe will also be releasing the program Edge that is an HTML5 only animation editor, this program will help make easy to create flash animations for web designers.



Even though technology is always evolving at break neck speeds, the HTML5 sits comfortably at the top of its category and not worrying about becoming obsolete due to the simple but important fact that it’s very adaptable. We can expect to have the HTML5 accompany us through our web surfing, that is until HTML6 rolls along.

Easy Tweaks for Your Website

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Small changes can bring a lot of benefits

Do you kind of feel that your website is bland or has become stale? The web design just not doing it for you? Well there are a few simple ways you can revise your website or blog design. These require little effort to achieve and don’t even need you to have vast experience in web design, just the basics and a little artistic imagination will do and you can create a much fresher website. These easy to do tips will not require you to completely change every aspect of your website, which could have a hefty price tag and will not guarantee immediate success so why gamble with complete renovation when there’s a way where your only investment will be a little bit of time?

The most basic method of shifting your webpage design is by incorporating images, if by chance you’ve already posted images in your website you should think about swapping newer ones to your current pictures. The website named offers thousands of low cost to free images that you can then include in your new web design. There literally hundreds of websites that offer royalty free images that you can use. Check some of them out and find the images that can compliment your new web design vision for your website.

Completely changing your webpage’s colour is also big factor in the design process. It is basically up to you to choose what colour palette you will mix together but make sure each colour compliments one another; otherwise you’ll have yourself a nauseating mash of contradicting colours and give your visitors a headache in the process. As a tip, try incorporating darker colours in the background while using lighter tones for the foreground and the font or vice versa. Don’t forget to replace border colours as well; they can give depth to your web design. Again, images can help in these portions of the design, if you have plain colour background I suggest you add a new background image there. Remember that there’s a high chance of having intangible fonts against an image background so create an opaque border to remedy this. Background images are a huge help in adding flavour and an atmosphere to your website. Try to keep the image simple however as a more extravagant background that takes the attention of the visitor is not what you would want.

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However with all these easy steps in creating and redesigning your website, there is one method that seems good at paper but can totally mess up in the presentation. I’m talking about changing your fonts. There are a lot of new and unique fonts out there today that it may be tempting to use one of these “novelty” fonts for your website. I however dissuade you from choosing a unique or any novelty fonts out there for the simple reason that there is a chance that it will not appear properly on the monitor of users with a different browser than yours. You see, browsers already have a built in list of fonts that they can read and process, if you picked a font that is not on this list then they’ll either appear as random symbols or not appear at all. When it comes to choosing a font for your website I would always go to the standard list of font selection as these fonts will likely be already incorporated into the browser.

Redesigning your plain website into a livelier one doesn’t really need for you to hire another web designer. A few tweaks in the setting can do the job and might even make your website seem like it’s been refurbished from the ground up completely.

Cyber Psychology 101: Goad Users to Comment on Your Website

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Make users interact with your website

Ever feel like sometimes you just have to post a comment after reading an article or a blog on line? Well, like magicians, veteran bloggers and writers have perfected over time ways into pushing you to post a reply or comment on their webpage by simple word alteration and usage. After reading, you will subconsciously be pushed to comment and you are non wiser for it. After a decade of crafty subliminal button pushing, it’s time to unveil these secrets in order for you to be able to use this to your advantage as well. These are the skills perfected by word meisters in order to generate traffic into their blogs or websites just by using the power of words.


1. Teasing and Shocking Titles

This is the least subtle technique here but it still basically works like a charm up to this day. We’ve all seen that one headline that is just literally screaming to be noticed. All in capitalized letter and ending with one too many exclamation marks. Just by reading their bogus topic and headline will already have you brain scrambling for a reply to their post. Yes, chances are they deliberately used these specific words to target would be netizens that are just passing by and draw them into their website. Once you’ve clicked their post, they’ve already won half the battle.


2. Flattering

One of the easiest and common methods to fall on someone’s good side is to make them feel special. Sure brown nosing is frowned upon but the in fast paced internet world, every available way to accumulate more hits is fair game. One way bloggers and website owners tend to do this by installing a feature that will incorporate top comment page that shows the most active posters. Another way, one that requires a lot more effort is replying to every single comment posted by users. This can take a lot of time depending of your website’s popularity but it’s the most honest way to actually let users feel they are part of the blog or site.


3. Status Display

Simple yet very effective ways to entice users and advertisers alike, if you have a lot of subscribers do not be afraid to flaunt the numbers. Websites and blogs that sport a status that shows their traffic generation will not only have advertisers flock your page but also curious users that want to check what all the fuss is about. Users also tend to subscribe to a blog or website with a very dynamic internet community. It’s all about the mob mentality of people, seeing a place where a lot of people congregate will entice more to join in and be part of the community.

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4. Refrain Updating the Date

A lot of users tend to drift towards blogs or articles that are new and current as opposed to the ones that are older whatever the topic is. If they find an interesting topic but sees that it was dated a year ago, there’s a huge chance that they’ll back out right away and look for something more new. So hide your publish dates and see hits from some of your articles from a few years back still active and kicking.


5. Questions?

A good technique used by bloggers and article writers is by leaving the topic open for discussion. Don’t be definitive in your opinion but try to leave the topic open for debate and further discussion. Execute this perfectly and watch your comment skyrocket and your on line traffic spike.

Basically, a lot of this techniques use little to no trickery which shows you how crafty and talented some bloggers and writers really are. In the end, it’s all about how you present your topics to the masses and how much you have piqued their curiosity enough for them to engage in your blog or website.

Cloud Services: Does it Offer Cloud 9 to Businesses?

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Cloud for businesses

The fast growing implementation of cloud services in online businesses are increasing at a steady rate. More and more are using this service as it is fast, compact and removes most of the hassles of physical storage devices like maintenance. But is this a reliable option? The citizens of the internet or “netizens” are still rather split on using cloud storage services because of all the positives it has to offer there are still the possibilities of major errors.


First let’s talk of what a cloud computing really is, cloud computing is defined by a single software application that will manage most of the important functions that are normally done by the computer through installed hardware or software. This will ease the workload on your PC and will transfer most of the effort in designated servers in the internet. This is quite helpful for the obvious reason that it decreases the strain set on your computer’s hardware. Microsoft is a fundamental pusher of this technology, claiming it to be the future of the industry and with good reason.


In today’s fast growing computer industry, business owners are looking for faster and more efficient ways to conduct business and cloud computing services can offer this unlike any other. More and more cloud computing services are appearing to offer people and business owners a fine alternative to their storage needs.


What’s so great about cloud storage is that users can basically access their files anywhere and at anytime they desire. They would only need an internet connection which is rarely a problem with built in packet data and Wi-Fi hot zones that are so widespread in almost every location. It can also, in the future, make hardware storages obsolete by giving users infinite, if they can afford it, space for memory storages. Never will you need to install or save a file in your hardware which will help speed up your computer processor. With larger companies, they can eliminate the need to purchase some installations for their hard drive, cloud computing will analyze the appropriate application to use and the company would only need to pay a small storage fee in order use them again. IT support will be less needed as online storage systems have fewer instances of malfunction and in the event that it did have one, the service company will be the one to handle the solution.


Scientists will also benefit from using cloud computing services. Normally, complex computations are handled by one computer that may take an extensive duration in order to complete. By using the web based cloud computing application, the service can use all of its available servers in order to complete the work in record time with its massive amount of processor. Now with all that potential for advancement, what are the pitfalls when using this still fairly young and yet untested technology?

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The biggest and most glaring flaw and alarm for using cloud computing for storage are the two most important factors when traversing the internet, privacy and safety in personal information. As vast as the security protocols that services implement, the chance of being hacked is still a huge risk, thus prompting concerned users to not fully implement the capabilities offered by cloud computing system. Big time companies will undoubtedly think twice of using cloud storage for their company’s most important file if they can’t guarantee its safe keeping. Leaving important files and documents basically out in the open is a risk everyone cannot take. The only guarantee for clients is that services cannot afford to make any mistakes as one grave error can ruin their business entirely.


In conclusion, I believe that cloud computing has the capacity to be the future of the computer industry if it can remove the security doubts that online storage has. I would suggest letting this technology evolve more and see how things will be in a couple of years time. Cloud computing storage has a huge potential to be a game changer, the only question is if it will be able to grow full circle.