Web designing companies in South Africa


How Web Design Affects your Profits


While its common to assume that a great web design only needs a beautifully crafted layout to be considered successful, it should be pointed out that it doesn’t just fall on to the design as the main criteria to judge how effective a website’s design is. Other factors include the uncomplicated navigation layout, search engine compatibility and the overall design. Knowing the factors that together, create a great design is important so that you’ll be able to fully implement the potential of your website. Flashy doesn’t always mean it’s great; the point of the matter is that you need your website to be able to sell. Generating profit should be the goal when planning your web design.

Choosing a template design rather than creating one yourself, has both a couple of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages come in the form of having a readymade and affordable layout for you to use immediately. Unfortunately, the drawbacks of using template web design are too numerous compared to the benefits that it will make you ask if it is really worth it. If you plan on using your website to increase profits then I suggest staying away from templates and investing on a quality web designer or do it yourself. Some of the most evident shortcomings of template include a mostly bland design, encoding may not be user friendly and customization gives little to no options for webmasters. Templates also leave no room for originality, choosing one and you can be sure you have a thousand other websites that look just like yours, a successful website should be able to separate itself from its competition with not only the content but also the design. Having no customization control on your template instantly removes all potential visits from mobile users. Mobile search and coding requires a totally different approach from web design making most design templates unrecognizable when converted into mobile compatible form.

web Designing Companies Johannesburg

The mobile industry is quickly becoming a major player in the online world, with a fast growing and quick expanding users that are using mobile phones to surf the internet, a lot of webmasters are now revamping their own site in order to accommodate mobile search users. With a template design you instantly alienate all of that potential web traffic. Today, web designers cannot afford to ignore the mobile search standards if they wish to maintain a steady flow of traffic and climb the rankings. Experts have already stated that they don’t see the mobile internet industry to go anywhere but up in the next couple of years. Keeping this in mind and planning your marketing strategy and optimizing your web design not only for internet search engines but also for mobile search will give you a distinct advantage among your competition in the following years.

A couple of years back, web designers have taken a lot of flak for not having enough SEO knowledge when creating layouts. Basically, all the creative talent in web designing is worthless if your beautifully designed website can’t be found by search engines. Through the years, web designers, freelance and companies alike, have pushed through this criticism and equipped them with proper SEO knowledge when designing a website. This show just shows how important it is to know all the layers of web designing to generate and produce a quality website.

With the multiple levels of website design that should be addressed when building one, you really can’t afford to choose a “free size” sort of approach when creating a website. Web design templates do have their uses but in the big leagues of internet marketing, a pre-made design will never ensure great success. Success is something that is build from the ground up, web design is no different.


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